Should Haiti Host the World Cup?
Haiti Football / Soccer in Haiti
The Federation International de Football Association (FIFA) has some stringent requirements when it comes to bidding and hosting the world cup. None of these would automatically disqualify Haiti's bid.
Usually, the bidding nations simply have to demonstrate that they won't have issues meeting the financial, security and infrastructure demands to stage the event.
In Haiti's case, it is clear that the country does not possess the financial means or the infrastructure to host the World Cup; but those are exactly the reasons why Haiti should bid to host the World Cup in 2026 or 2030.
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What could be more reassuring to the Haitian people than rewarding them one of the greatest, if not the greatest sports event in the world?
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All Comments (5)
"Can Haiti build the stadium and have the security in place for the amount of people who will attend the game?"
Can pigs fly?
Brazil is building 12 stadiums for next year's soccer World Cup and it is estimated that the cost will soar to $435 millions USD. And then you have to factor in the cost of creating and maintaining a security apparatus (have you seen how rowdy those soccer fans can get?) Honey, Haiti doesn't have that kind of money because it's dirt poor. Or have you Haitians deluded yourself into thinking that Brazil or other developing nations are going to make that kind of investments in a failed state like Haiti?
Whoever thinks Haiti could be a contender to host the World Cup has to be on some kind of weed. First of all, they would never put Haiti on the list just because they are afraid Haiti might win. Second, there is an issue of insecurity.
Third, where would the money come from to build the stadiums?
Don't think because South Africa did it Haiti can do it too. South Africa has money, gold, and oil. What do we have?
If one's goal is C+ his real goal is F
If one's goal is to host the world biggest event, why not?
Always aim for
Not even in 100 years!
Brazil, which is 100 times better than Haiti, socially and financially is actually under pressure, and struggling to host the next world cup. So, the chances of that happening in Haiti in a near future is
Can Haiti build the stadium and have the security in place for the amount of people who will attend the game?
It would be a great opportunity to show the world that we can move forward.
Let's do
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