Haiti: Electronic Voting in the Upcoming Elections? Maybe...
Electronic Voting - e-voting in Haiti
The transient electoral council of Haiti (CTCEP) is considering using electronic voting machines for the upcoming Haiti elections.
You mean, no more ballots scattered at a polling station in Port-au-Prince? No more people ripping up ballot boxes and calling their candidate the winner?
CTCEP president Jean-Marie Vianey Emmanuel Menard told AlterPresse that they are considering missions in countries with experience of e-voting and once they have at their disposal a comprehensive report on the matter, the Council may decide whether electronic voting will be adopted.
Are you FOR or AGAINST the idea of e-voting in Haiti? Why?
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All Comments (4)
Ki jan pou eleksyon dwe bon lè yon moun pa gen okenn kapab jwenn Nasyonal la Kat ID pou plis pase sis mwa ak Mesye Menard pa eseye ranje pwoblèm?
How can elections be good when a person no can get National ID Card for more than six months and Mr. Menard does not try fix
Mesyé dam lasosyété sé pa nan eleksyon pwoblem an yé sé byen nan pèp la. Haiti gen pwoblèm pèp. Tout pèp la bezwen anpil lédikasyon pou yo rivé konprann ki sa demokrasy yé, koté dwa yonn komansé, dwa lot la fini la e sé visé vèsa. Map di nou, genyen anpil travay ki bezwen fèt pou pèp aysyen an kapab fonksyoné kankou tout pèp sou la tè béni. Mesyé, nou paka kité Haiti
Sa pa ka fe pou le moman elektion ki te pi bon an ayiti se te elektion Sabala te fe an 90 la, elektion se pa yon bagay ki tro difisil men moun kap fel la toujou vle fe lajan anba sa fel toujou
I am for (with an apposition of whom is in charge of the count) because yes it may help the voting but we all know that machine can be hack an
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