Haiti Police arrest American orphanage founder Michael Karl Geilenfeld
The Associated Press reports...
Geilenfeld was handcuffed and placed in the back of a police pickup truck and taken to a police station in the Petionville district of Port-au-Prince....
The manager of the orphanage was arrested as well, he rode along with Geilenfeld to the Petion-ville police station, AP said.
Port-au-Prince General Prosecutor Charles Kerson many people brough complaints about that orpnanage...
Read more from the Washington Post
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All Comments (6)
I adopted two boys who were at the home. Could you please call me to discuss your
I lived at St. Joesph's Home for Boys in 1997 and 1998, and was the director of Wings of Hope for a short time. After I had been there long enough for the children to begin trusting me, they started telling me about the abuse.
All of them. And also the employees, cooks, security staff.
They all said it was true and many of the boys had personal experiences about being sexually abused by Michael.
Eske konstitusyon peyi an di pou yo arete yon moune le yo fini minote'l pou yo lage l deye yon pick up truck tankou
Le gouvernement devrait demander à tous les personnes responsables des orphelinats, soit étranger ou haïtien s de fournir un antécédents judiciaire s, s,il vit à étrange, c est le ministre des affaires sociales qui devrais envoyé demander ces informations a étrangers, aussi pour les haïtiens, je pense desfois se sont des pédophiles, qui rentre pour abuser des enfants
Men Nouvel...
Haiti - La Police arete yon americain, fondatè yon orphelinat nan Delmas, pou suspicion abu ki fèt...
Gede misye laa mare de bwa dè do, ak tout manajer orphelina a nan bouda yon pickup la police...
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