Naomi Campbell is going to Haiti
Naomi Campbell
Has Naomi Campbell ever been to Haiti before?
The news media is reporting that Naomi Campbell has been given "permission to fly" to Haiti. This may sound like there was a government conspiracy that prevented her from flying to Haiti but I assure you...
Naomi Campbell's canceled Haiti trips had nothing to do with Haitian authorities.
Apparently, she was unable to fly there before because there was an "outbreak of malaria" in Haiti.
First lady Michelle Obama was in Haiti, Pop star Shakira was in Haiti, French President Nicolas Sarkozy was in Haiti, Hollywood movie star Sean Penn has been in Haiti since the earthquake, they are all alive and well.
But... Anyhow...
Naomi Campbell can now fly to Haiti.
Back in February this year the Jamaican board supermodel hosted two Fashion For Relief events to raise money for mothers and babies in Haiti.
Because her planned trip was postponed she has been unable to deliver The donations she has collected for Haiti.
Here's a statement from Naomi Campbell in regards to this matter:
"I was so disappointed not to be able to make it at Easter, but I was advised that the malaria outbreak made it very dangerous. I will go at the end of June. It's really important for me and everyone who supported Fashion For Relief to see where the money has gone."
You see.... It's not her fault...
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All Comments (5)
lol i betcha she wouldn't be stupid or crazy enough to try it. haitian women don't
As a man I like to see a woman breast but my wife feel different about it.It is important for for haitian people to see her right now in haiti with the money I appriciat
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