Diet and Exercise

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I found out why my shoes don't fit anymore and why my feet seems to be getting bigger with age

We found Bigfoot - My dumbass brother cracking jokes on me At what age does your foot stop growing and why is it that my shoes suddenly dont fit anymore in my early 50s? more »

Intermittent Fasting - My Haitian father refuses to let fast at his house

Haitian Cuisine - Griot with Rice and Beans invades the New York Times LOL... My dad is a typical Haitian rice and beans everyday kind of guy. When I told him I was going to fast for 3 days straight, he flat out refused. Keep on reading... more »

Out of sight, Out of mind - How I got rid of my Sugar Addiction

PHOTO: Haiti RAPADOU - Unrefined Whole Cane Sugar I used to be addicted to sugar and everything sweet, Then one day, my sugar addiction disappeared with one simple decision I made: more »

Looking for a natural remedy for muscle pain and soreness? Try Ginger

Haitians love Haitians often drink some "thé gingembre" (ginger tea) to warm themselves up in the winter but did you know that ginger is really good at relieving muscle pain and soreness? more »

Did you know? White rice can cause constipation

American Rice in Haiti: Once upon a time Haiti was self-sufficient in producing rice Haitians love to eat rice boy! But now I know why by bowel movements come to a halt after I chow down on that bowl of rice. White rice can cause constipation. more »

Water Fasting: Haitians swear if you don't eat for a day, you could die, LOL!

Mayi Boukannen Haiti (Grilled corn) Many Haitians say if you don't eat for a day, "gas ap anpare w" (gas will overtake you, so to speak). What exactly do they mean by that? more »

Sugary or Diet: Keep drinking soda and you will die earlier, study shows

PHOTO: Pouring Soda in a Glass It doesn't matter if it's sugary or diet: New study links all soda to an early death, a Washington Post article reads. more »

Weight Loss: If you eat 500 calories less per day you will lose 1 pound per week

Most women want a flat stomach and a BIG bouda, so how you get it? Did you know? 1 pound of body fat is 3500 calories. So if you consume 500 calories less than you normally eat every day you will loose about one pound a week. But WAIT... There's more! more »

Most Haitian women I talk to want a bigger butt and a flat stomach - What's up with that?

Walking 30 minutes a day can help you lose weight Most Haitian I talk to want a bigger butt and a flat stomach, they don't care about their weight or how much fat is stored in their body. I meet women who say they want to loose weight but they don't want to loose their butt. What's up with that? more »

Haitian parents, having a TV in your child's room could be the reason she is overweight and obese

PHOTO: Old Television Set - Remember Public Televisions in Haiti? You love your baby girl so much you put a TV in her room but did you know? Having a television in the bedroom has been found to be associated with to childhood obesity. This is something that most Haitian parents are probably not aware of. Your kid is getting fat and it's your fault. more »