Roro Nelson's name among list of 8 accused of illegal importation of weapons to Haiti
Roro Nelson, best friend of former Haitian president Michel Martelly, is among list of 8 people accused of illegal importation of weapons to Haiti. The same case that led to the arrest of former police chief Godson Orelus.
PHOTO: Haiti - RORO Nelson vs. Jean Danton Leger
The judge of instruction of St-Marc, Dieunel Luméran, made its order of closing, Monday, December 3, 2018, against the following defendants:
- Godson Orélus, former chief of the police, currently in prison
- Sandra Thélusma, in prison
- Jimy Joseph, Director of Global Dynasty Corps, fugitive prisoner
- Junior Joel Joseph, fugitive prisoner
- Monplaisir Edouard, fugitive prisoner
- Ronald Nelson aka Roro Nelson, old friend and close friend of former President Michel Joseph Martelly, fugitive prisoner
- André Jonas Vladimir Paraison, high ranking officer of the PNH, former coordinator of the General Security of the National Palace, fugitive prisoner
- Durand Charles, fugitive prisoner
- Réginald Delva, former Minister of the Interior and Local Government, fugitive prisoner
Related: Former Haiti Police chief Godson Orelus arrested in Saint-Marc on gun trafficking charges
All these men and women have been accused of "transnational illicit trafficking of firearms and ammunition, smuggling, forgery and forgery, money laundering and criminal conspiracy.
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All Comments (1)
Madeleine says...
Im so happy and proud of the Haitian people for convicting the head of Dyncorp aka pedosRus, plus the other 7 influential people for illegal gun running! It seems you guys are doing better than Americans, in that
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