President Sarkozy Visit To Haiti
Nicolas Sarkozy, First French President to Visit Haiti
The Associated press released this news just 15 minutes ago, he was greeted by President Preval at the airport!
You may recall that Haiti was France's richest colony and there has been lots of talk related to Nicolas Sarkozy's Haiti intentions prior to the earthquake.
Here is a clip from the Associated Press:
"Some Haitians are welcoming France's new interest in their nation as a counterbalance to the United States, which has sent troops there three times in the past 16 years.
But Sarkozy's visit, the first ever by a French president to what was its richest colony, is also reviving bitter memories of the crippling costs of Haiti's 1804 independence."
What do you think about Sarkozi's visit to Haiti?
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All Comments (31)
Every can relate what he gets on mind.
but me I think that Mr. Sarkozy presence in this ex-colony can be interpreted in different maneer.
Somehow it could be a nice shame, a volunteer to erase the mental, physical,ecomical crime that france has done to Haiti.But I ask you My Brothers to be very realistic and vigilant at this moment because says the othert"The ennemy will never be a faithfull Friend".
I welcome his visit, because we need all the help that we can get. The Jews say "never again" due to the holocaust, and we also should use this powerful phrase.
The French worries that the US is going to occupy Haiti, and that is the only reason their president set his foot on our soil. Africans in Africa, and in the diaspora are too naive.
I hate the fact that we speak French, and wish we spoke Spanish.
c'est un grand moment pour le peuple haitien car c'est pour la premiere fois qu'un president francais a pilé le sold d'haiti meme apres l'occupation feroce et brutale des blancs francais.
cependant nous les haitiens, nous devrions, nous reflechir pourquoi cette visite du president sarkosy.
a un moment ou tous les gens parlent de l'occupation .il y a des gens qui disent nous blierons jamais les mauvais moments qui surgissent les esclaves
Freres et Soeurs,
Nous devons cesser d'etre guides par nos emotions, d'etre sujets a nos impulsions irratinelles.
Il est vrai que la France a martyrise, viole et derobe notre Mere Patrie.
cette visite est la caracteristique d un fait bizarre meme inexplicable par rapport a tout les annees qui passait je pense que il peux avoir un but bien determine et moi je ne suis pas d accord avec cette
A president traveling and visiting a former colony is simply like any human being traveling and visiting a country.
The question is: Why does it take the occurrence of a catastrophic event for a French president to visit Haiti?
If I am not mistaking, no French president had ever visited Haiti before President Nicolas Sarkozy.
"The Haiti of our forefathers is dead.".
The proof is in the pudding.
I only wish my Dad was alive to witness what is going on in present Haitian history.
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