PHOTOS: Belladere Haiti - Old Caserne (army barrack) and Douane being Restored...
PHOTO: Haiti - Restoration of the old Belladere Army Barracks (Caserne de Belladere)
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This building which also served as the Douane (customs) and prison, was sitting in ruins... but the last time I was in Belladere I noticed that restorations are almost complete...
Note: Between the city of Belladere Haiti and the Dominican border is small village called Carisal... That's why you often hear of the Carisal / Elias Pina brder instead of Belladere / Elias Pina... It's the same border
What do you think about this restoration?
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All Comments (5)
Your reply has so much hatred attached to it, he simply use DR as a point of location/reference.
DR doesn't belong to you per se, it's a country, a location, it has nothing to do with your expression of hatred.
He simply stated that the border prison is being rebuilt and he wanted to use DR as a point of location for the ready to understand to which he is referring to. Just relax, HATRED of any kind is unnecessary, he did not say DR cause the prison to be damaged or blamed anyone for the destruction of it, he simply use it make a point.
Why you have to mention DR in this post?
How is it relevant?
And yes, we don't care about Haiti, yet we still are the ones who helps Haiti the most. We are not the root of your problems, you guys your own savages ways to your own people...maybe youll get
We need to encouraged this type of work. It's right under the eyes of the Dominicans who have no regard for us and our brother workers in their country.
Let's uplift our image, continue this clean-up all along our borders.
This is not to please any group but for the sake of moving up
The gate to a home as that to a country speaks volume as it sets the tone for what one is to expect in touring through that home or country.
Its architecture and the maintenance it is provided go to the spirit of the matter and in as much speak on behalf of the nation and of the character and standards of its
esterday, there was a historic meeting in Santo Domingo, between the Dominican Republic president, the Haitian president, Michel Martelli, and the president of the European Council.
The meeting was scheduled for 10:00 AM.
News reports said that Martelly was the last to arrive, about an hour and a half after the scheduled 10am meeting time.
What do you think about that?
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