MINUSTAH Wants Haitian Protest to Stop, Find Out Why
Pere Lebrun - Tire Burning In Haiti
Voice of America Reports...
"United Nations humanitarian coordinator Nigel Fisher called on all those involved in the demonstrations to stop immediately so national and international partners can continue to save lives."
Haitians are protesting because they accuse UN soldiers for importing cholera to Haiti.
Do you believe that the Haitian protestors will just turn around and go home unless they get what they want?
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All Comments (16)
The politicians in charge of the nation have asked MINUSTAH to stay. This will not change unless the people elect different
There is a war. It is going to escalate.
The causes of the war may be misinformation, but then that is true of many feuds where getting even for yesterday's causalities is much more important than whatever the historical reasons were that started the conflict.
Look at Israel Palestine, India Pakistan, conflicts which will continue to escalate with whatever weapons are available to the people on both sides.
Haiti is for Harian, is not for UN or whoever else, our haitian people who are the one that lives in Haiti they are the one that know exactly what they wanted/want, & I say yes! minustah have to leave Haiti if that what our haitian people want/need.
because to me it is time for haiti/haitian to be "granmoun dans son Lakay" it is time for haitian people to decide & get what they want when they want it. it is time for them to get an answer from those who are in power when they want it too. either it become bad or good, but it is time for them to get what they asking for in/on they own country.
Gbontz,,,please my friend let me know if your ready to organize ideas to help our people...thank
Je pense que le peuple Haitien a toujours raison, ces gens sont en Haiti pour recevoir de l'argent non pour aider le peuple Haiti dans leur misere.
Depuis notre independance nous avons peu de gouvernement qui connait le besoin de ce peuple et
Mwen pa pou jan de manifestasyon sa yo, Men mwen kwe ke MINUSTAH Haiti tro lontan pou yo pa cheche connen Ayisyen.
E mwen pa kwe pep la pral rantre lakay li konsa.Mwen swete yo cheche konnen ki es asyisyen ye, pou yo ka ede pito.Map bayo youn ti pwen de solusyon pou yo ka rezoud problem an Haiti.
Se pou tout organizasyon Intenasyonal la reconet yo mal abode criz Haiti, le yo reconet sa yo declare li public man Menm jan ancien Prezidan Bill Clinton reconet sa.E yo bezwen retoune sou yon seri de decizwon dwat e goch yo pran sou Haiti.
Fro what i heard, I think they should because it don't make no sense, they protesting against Minustah and guess what they Burning down POLICE STATION national, Kote Minustah pa menm ye. Si nap atake atake
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