If you are lost, Follow this tiny path and it will lead you to the other side
Sometimes you have no idea where you are going in life. You find yourself lost, in the middle of nowhere. And suddenly you see little path, a light at the end of the tunnel. Follow it. It leads anywhere but where you are right now.
A tiny path in a savannah somewhere in Haiti
Better to follow that path than to stay lost forever in this mess that you are in right now.
No matter how tiny the path, follow it and stay on it.
On that little path, you are bound to find someone along the way who knows exactly where it leads. Don't be shy.
Ask questions. Tell that person where you want to go.
Ask if you are going in the right direction.
You might be surprised to discover that this person knows that path very well and he may lead you in the exact direction where you waned to go in the first place.
One more thing. Until you get yourself out or until you find that person along the path, Do enjoy the view instead of complaining that you are lost.
Haitian Creole: Si ou pèdi, Swiv nenpot ti chemen ou jwen sou wout ou. l'ap mennen w yon kote kanmenm. Chans ou ka jwenn yon moun nan chemen an ki abitye e ki ka ede w rive kote w vle ale a.
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