Harry LaRosiliere, Born in Haiti, First Black Mayor of Plano Texas
You often hear of Haitian politicians in South Florida and the New York Tri-State area but in Texas? Wow...
Born in Haiti, Harry LaRosiliere grew up in Harlem New York, just a few blocks from Washington Heights.
His family had moved near 125th soon after they emigrated from Haiti to capture the American dream of education and upward mobility. First, his grandmother found a job as a 'domestic' and moved to New York's Haitian community in the upper west side of Manhattan. Soon after, Harry's father arrived and sent for his wife Gisele and their two children, five-year-old Marthe and an almost four-year-old Harry. America was their land of opportunity.
Harry's father Brice often worked two jobs. He worked at a factory and drove taxis on the weekends. His mother cleaned offices for 26 years working from 5pm to 11pm virtually every day of her life. She still lives in the same apartment. That apartment is just a block away from the famous Cotton Club and a 10-minute walk from the Apollo Theater.
A typical Haitian Immigrant story... don't you think?
Read more about Harry LaRosiliere here. Thanks J Paul for the info...
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All Comments (10)
Correction:I will not if they don't put Me. LaRosiliere in my
That's great news. I complimented them for their hard work and dedication.
NY is a hard place to raise kids for them to do it in such style, they deserve a lot in life. Congrats and good luck to Mr. LaRosiliere on his
If major LaRosiliere is a democrat I will vote for him, there is no doubt about it. I don't if they will put him in my
Congrats to Harry we are proud of of you...
Haitians we have always believe in education first...
let's keep that in mind...
keep our children in
Je suis tres heureuse de cette bonne nouvelle pour un fils d'Haiti...
heureuse pour les parents et enfin heureuse pour les Etats-Unis qui exige toujour le meilleur, mais au fond de mon Coeur je pleure de voir Haiti perdre ses fils et ses filles helas j'espere qu'un jour Haiti sera fiere aussi de pourvoir garder ses bons, merveilleux, intelligents citoyens.
Compliments a Harry, bonne
Great job Harry, we heard about it on Haitian radio in Miami Dade County within a week he was elected.
News travels fast nowadays.
Most importantly, I reached out to Mr Mayor on FaceBook because he needs to join all of the other Haitian-Americans elected in the USA and I told him that I was available to help do that. Good
From Plano to North Miami, our compatriots have a chance to show some leadership.
I wish them the best and pray that they will represent us
Some day an Haitian will be on top of the chart.
We are part of the American society fabric...
I am proud of their accomplishment! Hopefully my living state in California will produce one
Hey he's kinda cute. Anyways, I'm proud to see that us Haitians are showing what we are capable
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