Haitians don't take enough advantage of FREE Education in the United States
Education in Haiti
Donny Felix revealed Thursday at a workshop in Palm Bay FL that only 13 percent of children with Haitian parents residing in Brevard County receive assistance from the U.S. federal government.
Read more here (in French)
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All Comments (5)
Great point and nice article in French.
I never heard of Brevard County.
Where is it exactly?
Well said. I have a lot of parents that do not want their children to leave their house.
They want their children to go to Miami Dade college.
If the child want to explore the other side of life they empeach them.
I'm from haiti and because of my view my children go to good university.
there are children that are more smarter than
Education up to High School is free in all public schools.
There are non-profit community continuing education where one can learn a marketable skill is for free. Continuing Ed. like BOCES and the like are free. IF one truly wants to attend a University, Grants may not be available without proven legal status but there are always
The reason only a small percentage in Florida take advantage of the government grant is because those are only the people who are legal in the country.
You will not be qualified for a government grant if you don't have any
Yeah, I would have to agree that they don't take advantage of the free education program in the US. I myself am a Haitian student that is currently benefiting from the free education program through FAFSA.
I think that the reason why the majority of Haitian are not benefiting from the program is due the ignorance of their parents most of the time, giving the fact that most of them didn't go through American education system and also the contentment they have of their current lifestyle compare the one the were living back in their country.
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