10 Haitian student air traffic controllers just graduated in the Dominican Republic
Toussaint Louverture International Airport, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Congratulations to our new Haitian Air traffic controllers...
Cudos to DR as well... Their Academy for Higher Aeronautic Sciences (ASCA) which is part of the Dominican Institute of Civil Aviation (IDAC) was the first aeronautical training center in all of America to obtain their TRAINAIR PLUS accreditation certificate from the International Civil Aviation Organization
That of course means, until we have our very own Academy for Higher Aeronautic Sciences, out brothers and sisters wont have to go far to fulfil their dreams in aeronautics.
What do you think about that?
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All Comments (3)
Can't wait to see how Haitian officials are going to repay us. Last time we helped them after the earthquake we were repaid with a ban on our chickens and
Oh, I though Haitians are treated bad in DR. Do it legally, with dignity, and respect.
The Doors are open if Haitians due their work to be in DR legally, and become an asset instead of a problem.
Where are the racist Dominicans
If only our Presidents/The Executive along with our Senators and Deputies /The Legislative together with our Judges/The Judicial system could also be trained in the Dominican Republic, at least they would be able to say;" Massa, Massa, el avion, el avion".
My congrats of course and without any doubt or reservation go to each and every one of those 10 for chosing a profession to serve as we may hopefully have a nation some day. Best of
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