Haitian-Dominican Fate: A Largely Ignored Human Rights Tragedy
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What can be done to address the tragedy?
Is anybody talking about that?
Ediberto Roman, Professor of Law & Director of Immigration Initiatives at Florida International University says...
We can either ignore it only to witness the human toll in the not so distant future, ensuring the horrific fate of these people as well as Haiti itself, or we can act now while we still can have an impact. In addition to increasing awareness of the issue by avenues such as this one, and online petitions, letters need to be sent to congressional and other leaders to demand change, or face economic sanctions or boycotts. Finally, there may be a legal avenue of redress.
A claim with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights would be in order. A claim with the Commission, and then hopefully with the Inter-American Court could have a significant impact. Such actions could place the Dominican Republic in the uncomfortable position of having to explain their actions quite publicly and in a forum that the nation has agreed would hear any such claims, particularly when human rights are alleged to have been violated. In this case, establishing the violations of international human rights, Dominican Constitutional Rights as well as a host of other rights, will likely be not too difficult to prove. Something needs to be done.
Read the full article here: The Largely Ignored Human Rights Tragedy at Our Doorstep...
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