Haiti Reconstruction - Plans to Rebuild Jean-Jacques Dessalines' Residence in town of Marchand Dessalines
PHOTO: Haiti Reconstruction - Site de la Maison de Jean-Jacques Dessalines a Marchand Dessalines
Marchand Dessalines has quite a few historical sites I visited a few of them...
Look... PHOTO from Marchand Dessalines Haiti
From what I gathered from the local residents, the original homes of Homes of Colonel Charlotin Marcadieu, Dessalines' wife Claire Heureuse, and two little houses owned by Emperor Jean Jacques Dessalines still exists in the city of Marchand. I took some pictures, I will upload them soon!
JJ Dessaline's home was destroyed by a hurricane Allen back in 1980.
The Haitian Government has a gate around the property and they will rebuild it back to it's original look.
What do you think about that?
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All Comments (4)
I wish I was there to welcome...Thanks for going Marchand is the best city...make sure you visit during fete sainte claire
This is a disgrace,
koté ti coco-rat pied sal sa yo de ka rétiré esclav yo nan pat zago blan Français?
Gadé vyé lwa mizérable pou
GREAT IDEA. Haiti should set up a committee to research and restore ALL the historical sites.
The UN may be able to provide funding if asked.
*Great for rebuilding the confidence of Haitians in their rich history.
*Great as tourist attractions and therefore for the eonomy.
*Great because in the process the history will be researched and documented.
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