Haiti: Promise Of New Jobs, Fear Of The Unknown
Haiti Open For Business
I was just reading a lengthy article on the New York Times (with a 10 minute video report) about the Caracol Haiti industrial park due to open in the near future and the main focus seems to be more about the potential for pollution, environmental concerns, bidonvilisation (slum cities/shantytowns), and the displacement of local Haitian farmers than the promise of the 20,000 jobs that this park will create.
Read the Article and watch the video (A Factory Grows in Haiti), click on Earthquake Relief Where Haiti Wasn't Broken
One critic, professor Laurent Dubois, even adds a little "Slavery" to the discussion...
The professor says... "The way I see it, in a deep, long, historical way, Haiti was founded by ex-slaves who overthrew a plantation system and people keep trying to get them to return to some form of plantation...
There have been cycles of this type of project, where the idea is that foreign investment will modernize the country. But things have gotten progressively worse for Haitians."
Funny, the other day I was telling my little brother that "The rat race" itself, working 9-5 in modern day society, having a J.O.B (just over broke) is THE new form of slavery. Our new slave masters are the many products and services that we need, some we think we need, in order to survive, in order to for us to have an "AHHHHH" moment.
Who was it that said "il n'y a pas de rose sans epine" (there is no rose without a thorn)???
We need jobs in Haiti...
We can wait for the perfect project with ZERO side effect, or we can take our chances and make adjustments along the way...
Have you read the article?
What do you think about it?
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All Comments (5)
Why are we worried about of those prophets of dum and glum! Majorities of these prophets what they or have done for Haiti.
They slways promped to predict curses or criticised what some one has done or willing to do for HAITI.
I completly agree with this brother let us create or let the foreigners come creat the jobs, we will make corrections along the
I like that, to make adjustments along the way...
it sounds better & more responsible.
cause we ( the Haitian) gonna have to eat & clothes themselves while waiting on/for the better
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