FLASH: Haiti - Ex President Michel Martelly (Sweet Micky) to Appear in COURT in 3 Days OR Else...
PHOTO: Haiti - Sweet Micky Dancing - Lilianne Pierre Paul, Jean Monard
This 'required-or-else apology' is for Sweet Micky's remarks during the Carnival of Les Cayes vis-à-vis the two journalists, Liliane Pierre Paul and Jean Monard Metellus.
According to news reports, a formal complaint filed by Jean Nazaire Thide demands a formal formal apology. Failing to do so could results of prosecution of the former superstar president of the Republic for indecent assault and Public indecency...
Sanctions could include 3 years in prison and the inability for Michel 'Sweet Micky' Martelly and his band to perform for up to 10 years.
Ohhh... He won't be able to hold public office for those 10 years neither, another source reported.
They are event talking about placing the Martelly in a psychiatric after the prison term...
What do you think about that?
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All Comments (6)
Justice is a masquerade in Haiti.
Only the poor gets punished for stealing a loaf of bread while those who steal billions are left alone.
Justice in Haiti hum kote ou
Lè yo tap pale kk sou Martelly an li te rele yo tribinal?
Martelly fenk kare sal figi yo ak kk paske seri moun de moun sa yo two raz kom jounalis!!! Yo tap ri prezidan an.
Di yo rele Aristid anvan paske yo bezwen tande l lontan tribinal a pa renmen mède ex prezidan pu mw tribinal sa poun fè nu pap fèl epa yo arete guy la c bay blan nn voye c kk pu nap
Martelly pa fou pou l al fè excuz devan bwat fatra sa yo...
Daye lè yo tap persekutel la, mwen pat we moun ki te konn di bay fanmiy prezidan an respect, sak fenn pa al mande justis pou Jean Dominique ak mireille pito bann manje kk, pou moun aristid tiye mwen se sa k fe m rayi Mertelly paske l trop lach.
Liliane te supoze anba
Yo fè 5 ans ap anmerde Martelly konye a li reponn ti Lili ak ti grimel ki nan karaib la epi ou tande on bannn chien ak chienne ap jappe sou fes bouk la, tout sak cho ap
Se pou Liliane Pierre-Paul ak Jean Monard Metellus mande Martelly padon tou pou tout manti yo te konn ap fè sou li yo tou. Se pou matelly ale devan juj la poul dil li prè poul fè sa men se pou yo ta fè sa
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