Did Cap-Haitien Just Declare Holy War On The Catholic Church?
Church furniture, statues of saints, the altar, and other holy objects were destroyed.
There were tracts left behind that make it seem like a religious war had just been declared in Cap-Haitien.
According to a report by Radio Kiskeya, the Archbishop of Cap-Haitien, Bishop Louis Kebreau, also president of the Episcopal Conference of Haiti (CEH), has condemned such actions, calling on the government to assume its responsibilities, including the filtering of sects who arrive in the country.
"This is not the time of religious wars. Rather than reconciliation," said the prelate [the high-ranking member of the clergy].
He [Bishop Louis Kebreau] also denounced the development of an "unhealthy religious fanaticism" in the country.
Filtering of sects... Unhealthy religious fanaticism...
After listening to Haitian radio news this morning it seems the tracts left behind read something along the lines of "My church is better than yours!"
What is your opinion about all this?
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All Comments (11)
Do not preach to me "bro", and I did not call you whatever the last time. You have 90% Haitians who cannot read, or write and they are illiterate.
If you cannot read, or write you are illiterate and you should check the dictionary.
Did a miracle took place in Haiti?
To all,
Peace be with you. I am writing to all, whatever religion you accept, Christ die for our sins and will come to judge us.The question is do you really believe in this?
If so, then are you the Salt of the earth, and are YOU the one to show the world that crist really lives in you.Mt 5. If we could only be this them happy are
Well my dear at this point you sound more intelligent than your first comment .Congratulation to you for being humble but still calling others illiterate .You are still judging me, now you calling me cocky my dear, but I still remember last week you called me fat white greasy man and so on.For your good information I was born in carrefour and baptized in StCharles and I am poor. May the Lord's grace be upon you.Read again your last week comment and compare it with the one you just wrote then ask yourself that question " WHOM AM I FOOLING HERE NOW," myself or the
I gather you are either a pastor, or somehow related to one and they do attack the catholic church.
You need to look around, and listen to the news. The major problems in this world are are caused by religions, and humans use GOD's name to satisfy themselves.
I use to believe in in religion, but I no longer do and my eyes are wide open now. The majority of Haitians are illiterate, and get their news from the churches.
It seems to me you have forgotten that it was the catholic church (priest, jesuit) who came with their bible in one hand and their gun in the other hand by tricking us went away with our treasures in Spain.
It seems that you have forgotten they were the ones who planted the big cursing cross in Mole St Nicholas from that time the land has produced nothing than bush. It seems to me you have forgotten your history.
I think it was a question of time before those hooligans plant their feet in the country.
The muslims are moving in slowly.
There is friction between Catholicism and Vodouism.
Why do we want another religion in the country.
We don't need religion but job. Therefore it is better to start now routed out those Good for Nothing evils, all they want to bring in the country is
I blame some Pastors, and they are instigators.
They are forever preaching negativities about the catholic church, and they brainwashed their followers.
They claim the pope is the anti-christ, and claim catholics worship statutes.
My opinion about "My church is better than yours!"I do believe they are wrong, there are only two church in this world:One is thy Church of Jesus Christ and the other one is the devil church.
Ephesians 2:20 And are build upon the foundation of the apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief corner stone.Peter, James and John said :Let us make here three tabernacles;One for Thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias.And behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased ;hear ye Him.St Matthew 17:2-8.I do believe Jesus Christ was organized His church on earth when He called 12 Apostles, and empowers and appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place, whither He Himself would come. St Luke 10:1. (A.D.34)Jesus said this in America:Behold, this is not my doctrine, to stir up the hearts of men with anger, one against another;But this is my doctrine, that such things should be done
Everytime I think Haiti is going to get better something else pops up, it goes to show that haitians are not ready for prime time. Attacks on any religion shows a lack of spirituality with those responsible.
Just think of that statement "my religion is better than yours" How uncivilized is that?
When we get to the point that a person can not practice their belief, something is very wrong with that! I truly believe now what we need is a progessive dictator similar to Trujillo, he got The Dominican Republic on the right track, the majority of haitians are uncivilized.
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