Haiti Grève : Labor Union leaders Divided, is there a strike in Haiti today or NOT?
If you listened to the news early morning Monday 02 October 2017 and you are probably as confused as I am on whether or not there is a strike in Haiti to day.
Haitian transportation labor unions are divided. Some say there is a transportation strike to day, others argue the strike has been lifted.
Meanwhile, some journalists on the ground are reporting that passengers in some part of Port-au-Prince are complaining they cannot find public transportation.
One bus driver said he has to go out there to earn a living because he has a wife and 2 kids to take care of.
Stay tuned. We will update you.
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All Comments (1)
Haiti Nouvelles says...
Plisyè moun leve en Haiti jodi Lundi 2 Octobre 2017 la ap mande eske gen grève nan lari a. Syndicalistes yo divize.
Genyen ki di gen grève, gen lot ki di grève la leve.
Problem pap
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