Haiti Government promises MORE security during the Holiday season
Nearly one thousand Haitian new police officers will be out there patrolling the streets and many officers of the Motorized Intervention Brigade (BIM) will be deployed in support of the other troops already active throughout the metropolitan area by the beginning of December.
I certainly hope these new security measures are not just for the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area but for all the major cities as well.
More Security in Haiti, one way the Haitian government is wishing all Haitians and foreigners in Haiti a Happy Holidays...
What do you think about that?
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All Comments (9)
This news couldn't have come at a more opportune time, on the eve of 211 years of Vertieres and the culmination of the" Consultation" with the President and when a summary or conclusion is expected to come out to the :what crisis?/there is no crisis but six senators and a Ti minorite of 500 agitators.
Brothers may misbehave and a police force may help keep them in line and to stop them from bothering us comfortable folks with their claiming of their rights and freedom of expression via some "Manifestation Pacifique" and their talking of Democracy along with the renewing of elected officials.
Tout bagay sekirite sa ou tande Se blof. Kilet ayitien te pran ka lot ayisien konsa.
Mou ap tiye moun ak kout wanga.
Pouki yo pa ranmase wangatet ak malfektet.
Mare logarou ak malfektet epi ma wet yap fet bon
Ppersonne ne peut être contre, si ces mesures procitent un plus grand sentiment de sécurité, c'est tant mieux.
Mais les causes profondes de l'insécurité n'ayant pas changées, comment peut-on penser que ces mesures ppeuvent être un succès à
moyen et à long terme?
Any effort to provide a response to the recent nonsense killing in the Republic of Port-au-Prince will always be welcome, if the objectives of the Police are to serve and protect in lieu od harassing like we have seen recently.
The other cities and towns could also benefit from some well-deserved and nonpartisan policing while we look to find real solutions to the insecurity issue; the lack of jobs and the deafning indifference from both the government and Civil Societies.
Pou sekirite a correct pou season fet la se pou prezidan Excellence Michel Martelly interdit manifestion sous nimpot ki fom nan peyi a pou diaspora pa pe vinn fete lakay li.Epi tou nou pa vle police yo pran trop pression .Fe yo Konin tou ke nimpot moun ki viole lwa ap pran
This is a very idea the government has for the haitians people and also the tourist who are going to Haiti for holiday season.
I also plan to go, but when I"am listening to the news i gotscared to go. But now i can say that i"am on my way.so thank u President Martelly, u r doing a very good job. God bless
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