Haiti Education - Teachers with FAKE Diplomas teaching in our public Schools, Education minister says
PHOTO: Haiti - Elev Lekol Piblik nou yo (Public School Students)
This discovery was made while processing the files of the 4,000 teachers who work in public high school classrooms without a letter of appointment.
These fake teachers are the ones putting pressure to get get their "letttre de nomination" (letter of appointment). They will instead have to answer to their judge, Education Minister Pierre Josué Agenor Cadet said.
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All Comments (2)
Est-ce un probléme?
Doit on soumettre leurs dossiers à la Justice?
je ne pense pas .Il faudrait une evalutation de leurs possibilités pouvant etre suivie d' une formation sur le tas en vue de leur participation à la scolarité des jeunes du pays ...Certains de ces profs fraudeurs pourraient peut etre s'averer, tout compte fait de bons
Men Nouvel...
Haiti - Education National dekouvri yon pakèt profesè lekol avek fo diplòm ki ap anseye nan lycée yo.
Profesè sa yo ap bay presyon pou yo ka nome men sanble se nan prizon yo pwal jwen lèt nomination sa
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