Haiti Earthquake And Relief Efforts - Day 4 Update
Haiti911 - Website for Haiti Relief Efforts
Have you heard from any of your family still missing in Haiti?
I hope you have some good news. With the amount of people estimated to lose their lives in Haiti, I have a doubt that you will not now at least one of them who lost his/her life.
News has been pouring in from all sides but there is one strange new I would like to share with you today, I hope it brings at least a smile in your face in this hard time:
This is not a hoax, the news was release my the Associated press and it has appeared respected newspapers such as the Washington Post.
Senegal President Abdoulaye Wade says that any Haitian who returns to Africa will be given a parcel of land, if we come in masses we will be given a region to live.
Lots of new messages have been posted on www.Haiti911.com go through the site to read them all.
We've been told that the relief efforts is improving and rescue efforts are still going on besides the fact that it's the 4th day since the earth quake
If you are looking for someone or if you have information about a missing person in Haiti Google is offering a new service to link Families with loved ones in Haiti.
More info here: http://earthquake.haiti911.com/haiti-earthquake-info.php/11
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All Comments (10)
The UN should investigates why those who seized control of Port-Au- Prince Airport failed to delivery the necessary help in a timely manner.
If it is done deliberately then they should face trial for crime against humanity.
Expert said that 20,000 Haitian could die every day if medical supplies and other relevant materials failed to reach their intended targets.
praise God, my family is allright
their homes are shattered, but they are
Man, thanks God my relatives are fine but i still feel hurt for the orders people i seen on TV but thanks to you too, you did a great job God bless you keep in touch so form you did every body are ok, i wish they're
Thanks JEHOVAH GOD for saving my family life, for other people who didin't make it my heart goes out to the family may the acountry rise up again by the help of GOD
so far all my familly are okay. thanks Goodness but some of my familly friend are still missng.
God Bless my familly.
i hope they do send some Haitian in Senegal for just
I got bad news about Miss Maryse Timothee, but not about my brother Francisco
Thank's God all my family are alive, but my friend and her sons are still
So far i have no news from my brother:Francisco
My family is doing fine. I was stressed about the sad news. Thanks God they are fine.But, my heart still hurting and making me sad. Thank you for asking and you are doing the great Job to us.
My fellow Haitians, friends of Haiti,
Yes indeed, every Haitian today morns a love one, a friend, a relative.
I lost my dear little niece who just graduated from a Nursing School in P-A-P. She left two small kids. I am devastated by this lost !
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