Haiti Agriculture - There is money to be made growing rice, some entrepreneurs say
RICE - Haiti Food Shopping - Gode Diri - Rice Measuring Cup
Plus, Haitian émigrés in the States love it, Voltaire says: "Haitians are ... very sentimental about eating rice from home."
In 2015, Voltaire and two cousins launched Caribbean Grains LLC. Three years later, they are shipping to Florida, Alabama and other U.S. states.
Read more from this article: "In Haiti, Golden Hopes in a Yellow Grain." Some entrepreneurs in the Caribbean nation are finding that there is money to be made growing rice.
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All Comments (4)
I really love the idea can you please let me know where I should
Bonjou tout zanmim yo, bonjou tout énmim yo!
Nou mèt pa tandém pou lontan pafwa, sé paském yon ti jan konfortab ak Jovenel Moise, dabo li gen métyé valab nan men li, sil drivé pèp Ayisyen an nan farine, sé zafè ki gadél ak Jézi ak Satan ak tout mové zanj yo;
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Gen yon gro demann a letranje pou bon kalite diri òganik, dapre Fabias Voltaire, yon antreprenè.
Diri òganik la ka koute pi plis, men anpil moun konsidere li kòm yon diri ki bon pou sante epi tou li gen pi bon gou pase varyete Ameriken an.
Epi tou, émigrés ayisyen Ozetazini yo renmen li, se sa Voltaire di: "Ayisyen yo ...
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