
Haiti - Environment - Is Haiti Getting Greener?

Is it me? or is Haiti getting a little bit greener? The other day, I was driving from Hinche to Port-au-Prince and, I took a good look at one mountain ranges in the panorama and it looked greener than usual. more »

Hinche Haiti - Residents dumping trash along the Guayamouc river...

The Guayamouc River, Riviere Guayamouc, Hinche Haiti One of the sad part of moving back to Haiti is that I can no longer bath in the Guayamouc River in Hinche Haiti simply because it is polluted with trash. The funny thing is... It has always been that way that I just never noticed it before! more »

Haiti Environment - Police raid 3 warehouses for styrofoam and plastics

Port-au-Prince Haiti - There is a ban on plastics bags and Styrofoam containers in Haiti. Haitian police have raided 3 warehouses in the capital. more raids are expected in other parts of the country. more »

Haiti - Environment: The High Cost of Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy in Haiti - Green Energy Last week, I wrote an article about renewable energy to power rural Haiti. Since then, I've been curious to know how much it actually costs to implement renewable energy in Haiti. more »

Haiti - Environment: Renewable Energy To Power Rural Haiti

Renewable Energy in Haiti - Green Energy Haiti has plenty of sunlight... So why not use that sunlight as a renewable energy source to provide sustainable energy to electrify rural communities in Haiti? more »

Haiti: 96 Percent of the Population is at Risk?

Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy - Flooding in Haiti Some sentences are places in articles to scare the living crap out of you... Aint their? more »

Haiti Reforestation - The Mormons Are Planting Trees In Haiti... Wow...

Haitian Mormons Planting Trees In Haiti How often do you read stories like this... The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints celebrated 30 years in Haiti by planting thousands of trees across the country. more »

Haitians Will Plant 1.2 Million Trees Today, May 1 2013

Haiti President Michel Martelly Planting a Tree There is a BIG event happening in Haiti today... 1.2 million trees will be planted in a single day, May 1 2013. more »

A Greener Haiti by 2016 - Bold New Haiti Reforestation Plan

Deforestation in Haiti - View from the Air Haiti - Environment - Starting May 1st 2013, the Haitian government will begin a campaign to plant millions of trees in Haiti with a 50 year plan to take Haiti's forest coverage from a deadly 2% all the way up to 29% where Cuba stands right now. more »

Charbon - Charcoal In Haiti - Production Pired

Charbon - Charcoal Making in Haiti How may people in Haiti do you know have a gas stove in their kitchen and still use Charcoal to cook??? more »