Cap Haitien Airport Renamed Hugo Chavez International Airport
Former Haitian President Michel Martelly and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez
Haitian Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe made this announcement via Twitter yesterday...
The Hugo Chavez International Airport In Haiti?
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All Comments (19)
It seems like I got a lot of people upset when I said "nou si poze sispann achete figi" which I don't really care if I upset anyone.
For those of you who replied to my comment thinking we have not done anything for Venezuela and any other country, I have one thing to say, learn your history.
Haitians helped free Venezuela from Spain and Venezuela was not the only country in Haiti helping after the earthquake.
Non, nou sipoze sispann achte figi. Menmke Chavez te fe yon jes a peyi nou sa pavle di pou nou pran yon bagay andedan peyi nou pou nou bal pot nonli.
Pouki se pa non youn nan gro hero nou yo?
Nou kay bay yon rue pote non Chavez pou rekonesans, men pa aeroport a. Please think before we act; don't let our emotion get the best of
chavez love haiti he help for no reward or controlling everything he does for haiti is with love not show off we dont owe him nothing and he dont tell us how to govern our country he is a real friend he want to see haiti come out of poverty he gone to soon
rest in peace my brother
mwen ta renmen menm exemple sa a a a continuer.
si chak president banm yon rout oubyen yon pont peyi a tap gen yon lot vizaj.
mwen pa bezwen konn ki nom nou tap bal pote l'essentiel se bal structure lap bezwen poul devlope tankou tt lot
wi nap sispan achete figi min sele nap apran konnin moun ki fer nou byen moun ki ape ede nou epi se yo mim nape tie gade kijan satan ap fini mange nou an Haiti epi kisa nap rele papa se satan apran rinmin moun ki panse a nou sispan ray moun kife bye pounou BonDye nan ciel la rinmin sa
Maybe when we will build an airport of OUR own. with OUR own money.
then we could name it after our own people.
Hugo Chavez has done a LOT for Ayiti when he was alive.
if there is power in a some areas of Okap, its thanks to him.
I think that this is the least that we can do to show our gratitude to this
mwen pa gen oken problem avec sa pou rele chavez si li te yon buseness man ou yon aksyone lan ecnomie ayisyen, parkont se yon president yon lot pays li trop politize et manke se
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