Love in Haiti

Moun Damou Pa Kite - Haitian Saying...

Moun Damou Pa Kite - Haitian Saying...

There is a famous Haitian saying "Moun Damou Pa Kite" (People in love stay together) --- You think that's true?

Famous Haitian music band Skah Shah even sings about it: "Moun damou pa kite, Romeo e Juliet, Ferdinand, Isabelle..."

I know many "Moun Damou" who end up leaving each other (kite)

On the other hand, I know a few people who have been together for a very long time but I would not necessarily call them "Moun Damou." Their relationship falls more on the category of another Haitian saying "Tout Abitid Se Vis" LOL...

What do you think about that?

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