Mwen vle di hello a tout moun surtout a monsieur St Preux...

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Reply to Msg 1273

mwen vle di hello a tout moun surtout a monsieur St Preux specialement ki toujours informe -m merci beaucoup a vous cher monsieur St Preux que Dieu vous protege et vous benisse et je ne sais pas ce que cette annee la va nous apporter tout simplement rester dans la priere.

merci beaucoup

Marie Elie, January 1 2011, 1:44 PM

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Topic: Soup Joumou - Haitian Soup of FREEDOM

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thank you i feel the same way i may be a lillte girl but my grandparents always tell me the stories that there grandparents told there mother and i... read more >
Lorvana Merius, 6-Jan-10 11:11 am
The U.S was not the first country in the Americas. How about the Native American Nations and Empires and how about the Quilombos? read more >
Luis Vera, 1-Jan-11 11:05 am
As an Haitian of adoption by heart love and reason, I, madam moin and our three children are going to eat in a moment a delicious Soup Joumou in... read more >
Herman Schurmans, 1-Jan-11 12:51 pm
mwen vle di hello a tout moun surtout a monsieur St Preux specialement ki toujours informe -m merci beaucoup a vous cher monsieur St Preux que Dieu... read more >
Marie Elie, 1-Jan-11 1:44 pm
To all of my haitian brothers and sisters I would like to wish you all a wonderful and blessed New Year. Woodring you are awsome. God bless you all. read more >
Yvette Duverge, 1-Jan-11 2:39 pm
I must thank you, Mr Wooring StPreux, for the Historical significance associated with the consumption of "soup joumou' on New Year's day.Though I... read more >
David Grant, 1-Jan-11 4:21 pm
soup joumou nan legliz soup joumou nan lopital soup joumou nan koncer soup joumou nan lemonde antye kenbe fem pa lage ok mesi read more >
Tepson Dormilus, 1-Jan-11 4:38 pm
Marie, 2-Jan-11 10:15 pm
Thank you so much for the article on read more >
Jean Miche, 5-Jan-11 11:33 am
WOW!!! Thanks for this link. By coincidence my daughter and I were just discussing on this topic, She was asking me about the meaning of Soup Joumou... read more >
Deb Marabou Facebook, 2-Jan-12 10:40 am
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