Washing their hands and build up proper latrines is the...

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Reply to Msg 6050

Washing their hands and build up proper latrines is the solution.

First of all they invited the peace keepers into their own homes to keep them from killing each other.

Why don't the swear to never let that happen again just as Europe did after their cholera outbreak.

God's miracle doesn't work for primitive minded people only devil's curse.

Henry Christophe brain wasn't bigger then any other Haitian's but his vision was far beyond their imaginations.

He didn't feel comfortable living in a cay tole or cay pay but far greater than his master ever could.

They have such great science which is their religion which they should have explored and exploited, they disgraced it by using it for bad only. Now their master tell them that they are cursed by the same religion that enslaved them and they accept it.
Now they are living under tents and shitting right next to each other like monkeys and at the same blaming others for our own outbreaks.

God doesn't do miracle anymore that is why he gave us a brain and two hands.

God gives us the ability to evolve.

He gives us the ability to build things and he himself says cleanliness is godliness.

That means his top priority is that should build up the proper sewage to keep ourselves clean in order to be close to him. That is why he gives us rivers.

Don't go pray to God or any god with your hands dirty or santi caca unless you are handicap or a child.

don't pray under your tent expecting miracles, God or your god will say "Son, I gave you two hand so "F'ck off"

Garry Destin, November 2 2010, 10:34 PM

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Washing their hands and build up proper latrines is the solution. First of all they invited the peace keepers into their own homes to keep them from... read more >
Garry Destin, 2-Nov-10 10:34 pm


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