This is a very good article. Thank you for writing it. I too...

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Reply to Msg 5681

This is a very good article.

Thank you for writing it. I too, as a kid in Port-au-Prince made fun of mentally handicapped people.

Now thinking back, there were two persons in my immediate then neighborhood who were cruelly harassed.

These same people could have led a very productive life had they had appropriate medication and a receptively warm environment to support them physically and mentally.

Let us not stop with obvious mental issues.

Haiti CAN be cruel to ANYONE who looks DIFFERENT and ACT differently.

If anyone does not fit the usual mold, you get picked on and made fun of.
You are right, mentality "LAKOU" got to change.

This is this very same mentality that is keeping us from thinking differently, thus, hindered INDIVIDUALITY and progress.

It takes all kinds: straight, crooked, normal, abnormal...

to create a world.

Each and everyone of them has a specific function in it. Said otherwise, TOLERANCE is important in a community.

Guy Comeau, September 10 2010, 10:20 PM

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This is a very good article. Thank you for writing it. I too, as a kid in Port-au-Prince made fun of mentally handicapped people. Now thinking back... read more >
Guy Comeau, 10-Sep-10 10:20 pm
I feel that it takes you too long to come to the realisation that a physically or mentally challenged individual is not useless or incapable to make... read more >
David Grant, 13-Sep-10 12:26 pm
We are no better than handicaped people and we all handicap in our own way. For example I consider myself as handicap because my speech is very... read more >
Betina Omelius, 13-Sep-10 4:37 pm


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