to be president of haiti, or help haiti

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To everyone in this forum,
In order to be president or the Leader of Haiti, one must be able to reflect on what the atmosphere is going to be like after the inaugural party has been done....

You must envision the many hard years of cleaning, rebuilding, reeducating, reforming government structures, establishing a national model infrastructures in the Capital Port-au-Prince that can be reused in the other departments of the country (The provinces of Haiti) to facilitate the declogging of the Capital, and encourage the nation to go back to agriculture, to planting the land, which is the treasure of Haiti...

Build new schools and universities in the 10 departments to cause the youth to stay where they were raised and mak a difference rght there in their neighborhoods.

Restore sports, arts, culture, and business minded students who will learn how to make money and manage and build a business instead of waiting for some handouts who never materialize to anything except survival...

Haitians need more than survival and temporary fixes, after two hundreds years of humiliation and deception, we need something that will last...

No more crumbs for Haitians, no more more leftovers...

we need permanent infrastructures, permanent homes which will grow in value like other nations have, clean streets, no more a Capital that look like huts and habitation for pigs and animals...

If I were the mayor of Port-Au-Prince, I would resign unless I could clean and restore decency to that once clean and dignified place where Haitians and visitors alike used to walk proudly many years ago...

If anyone can clean streets instead of being president of Haiti, Go ahead do that instead and you will mean more to Haitians and Haiti then those who just want a title instead of Having a well designed plan to restore the dignity of a once proud black Independent Nation in the world of nations...

I am sick and tired of the same old repetition of the same old lies and deceptions,
Haitians, wake up and start to do things on your own,,,,
While we honor the other nations' help, we do need to do someting on our own...

Over 200 years of Independence...Shame on whoever has any power to affect changes in Haiti and did nothing, one day a lot of individuals and leaders will have to give an account to God the Creator for what they done to destroy that beautiful piece of land....

All your comments are welcome!!!!

Jean Gerard Rhau

Jean Gerard Rhau, July 28 2010, 8:05 AM

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Well said Sir. I could not have said it any better. We don't necessarily need intellectuals to change the fortune of Haiti. We need someone that can... read more >
Jude, 20-Aug-10 12:24 am


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