It is not the time to dispute over religions!

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A tree have many branches pointed out in many different directions.

The most important thing about the tree is that,
all of its branches are part of its roots.

Let us continue to do what our hearts desired to do
about Haiti as one; so we are her children.

I am a renegade of Haiti and of the Haitian communities
since at the age of twelve to the United State of America.

I left Haiti but Haiti never left me.

At that time, the Haitians who entered the U.S OF A
merica were reluctant to identify them selves as Haitians
for these matters: There were Haitians in the U.S.A who
belong to the old haitian regimes and would have send report to their
partners in crime to haiti about your family who live there.

They tried to
find out about your personal business to Haiti, when would ones send money
to their family?

So they could have them terrorized or for saying
the wrong thing about the old regimes.

Even up to these days,
there are haitians who still feel reluctant to other Haitians who live in
the U.S fo America.They are not ashamed of been haitian as others would have said.
I thank the haitian internet for given me the chance to reconnect
with the haitian communities about Haiti.

I think we Haitians are doing
a good job about haiti except for bashing each others religions.

Now, I leave you with this poem.
If all lips spoke the truth,
All pride was cast aside,
Greed was packed and stored away,
And jealousy subside.

If love could rule the universe,
Kindness was sown to every race,
Then one could glance into a mirror
And view God in his/hers face.

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