Hey!!! i can actually say, this the first time, i can have a...

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Reply to Msg 4975

hey!!! i can actually say, this the first time, i can have a convo with another individual about haiti, that we are almost on the same page.
i mean think about it even though you are trying to help another country of course u will put your need and your country first...

like i always tell my girlfriend, i am haitian first and American last just to get on her nerves, knowing that i am American 2nd by relationship not by blood...

yea Aristide tried ill give you that, but by the same tokens he hired a bunch of(Vacabon) i dont know if that spelling is right from Citi soile with no commonse or knowledge, a bunch of drug dealers, crooks, and so on that help put Haiti where it is today...

did you see what happend when Aristide was in power, my uncle told which leaves in Haiti at time. back in 96-98 kids 9-17 yrs of age or older was walking around with guns, machette visible and police had no say...

at one point we was like them african countries that u see in movies, and documentary where kids are walking around with AK-47 no question asked...

pretty much around that time every men, women, and children for themselves as far as justice, and all types of other unnecessary stuff, rapes, robberies, killings..

Now i am pretty sure the USA, CIA and FBI had something to do with it..

no ones know where all them Guns came from overnight and land in Haiti in too the wrong hands...

that i can also say, we Haitian dont Kidnapp, that was another thing that the US implanted in Haiti...

and the list goes on as you and i know that the US dont want to see any other countries in the world doing any kind of goods for it people...

that is why i praise Castro, Kim, and Chavez...they dont allowed the US to dictate for them...

as we all know the minutes u dnt want to collaborate with US, u are a terrorist..lol..lol..lo. now dont get me wrong i love the US i been here pretty much my whole life..

i just dont agree with the way, they tried to keep other small countries like Haiti, Jamaica and so on, progessing.

Like Chavez said in the past Haiti is right next to Miami why cant we get clean water electricity, and so on...Haiti is smaller then the whole state of florida if the US wanted to help the Haitian people it will of have been done along time ago...

i dont know if you listen to Haitian Muzik like Dann Junior said(se pa lot Nation Pouki pa nou sa nou besion, se nou pouki met tete ensam pou leve haiti) my creole is horrible so please forgive me..

have a great day..

Rza, May 25 2010, 2:01 PM

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yea, i do agree, pretty much with everything, u wrote... Now i understand that Clinton make Aristed sold most of the companies to the Clintons.. i... read more >
Rza, 24-May-10 1:48 pm
AMEENNNN to that. I completely agree with everything you said. I didnt know that clinton was the god mother of artistide. Either way i still despise... read more >
Katy Pier, 24-May-10 9:04 pm
hey!!! i can actually say, this the first time, i can have a convo with another individual about haiti, that we are almost on the same page. i mean... read more >
Rza, 25-May-10 2:01 pm
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