Our people are not stupid. this articles is to see how the...

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Reply to Msg 4719

our people are not stupid.

this articles is to see how the haitians population feel about the aid been stop we the nation we are calling for ignorance to stop but to bring virtual reality how can this help should stop aren'twe having enought?

three (3) weeks ago I was in haiti all I am seen is men, women and children with big beallies look like there pregnant due to the fact of unproper nutrition thehaitian population is eating rice for breakfast, lunch,dinner and sometimes super!what is this can the UN the international commitee provide $20.USfor each family a month to help these people to consuma proper meal. my question is is there anyone who's reading this comment is in the heath field?

may you please educated the population of what the body needs to fuction properly, the body needs protein, fiber,calcium, vegetables and vitamins in order for the intestine to function.

in that case is haitian's family having the proper nutrition?No of coast not please let us bring our voice to washinghton to form an agency whom they trust and reliable so all the aide encoutered for haiti be fairly distributed even if it mean along temporary aide. I am certain there are alot of credible agency such as the NGO's that can participate in the forum to bring the aide thru all the haitian territory and cities.once again if you are concerning of this matter contact us at HCS (407)682-7821 to register your name. if not haiti will be an a famine wich will encounter more health and death problems.

problems such as constipation, breathing problem, disconfort deformality of the intestine and may also cause bleeding please continue to help our organization HCS is for haiti once again a million' thank's for your co operation.

Martine Civil, April 23 2010, 2:39 AM

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our people are not stupid. this articles is to see how the haitians population feel about the aid been stop we the nation we are calling for... read more >
Martine Civil, 23-Apr-10 2:39 am
You know what, I have never met such ignorant bastards than you people. Not even Africans are not as ignorant as you folks. The rice was a... read more >
Adams Montenegro, 23-Apr-10 7:27 pm
What exactly RACE or Nationality got to do with picking up after yourself? Answer the question? Be truthful and stop the DENIAL game. As a matter of... read more >
Adams Montenegro, 23-Apr-10 9:24 pm
We eat green plantains, you eat sweet plantains. Get it, go to your black mountain and meditate. Cubanos y Ha read more >
T Laguerre, 24-Apr-10 8:45 am
I agree the country should be united into one island.But with all due respect it should be HAITI NOT the Dominican republic. After all HAITI does... read more >
Frantz Pierrot, 24-Apr-10 1:59 pm
Focus for a second, Can Haiti build roads, construct hospital,construct healthy communities for its youngsters,appropriate parks, adequate schools... read more >
Adams Montenegro, 24-Apr-10 3:11 pm
What is the point of all my writings? What is it all about? Well, read, re-read a thousand times if you have to. The point was very clear. If after... read more >
Adams Montenegro, 25-Apr-10 2:13 pm
Im curious because you mentioned that you werent haitian. Ive seen you written alot in these blogs. My question is, if your not Haitian then why... read more >
Kat, 26-Apr-10 11:41 am
You are right, Haiti's problems is not Haitians alone. Perhaps the best thing that could happen to Haiti is to be left alone. To breath its own air... read more >
Bernadette S., 26-Apr-10 8:47 pm
Yea and unfortunately it will not happen. The US and the international community will always find a way to mind haiti's business. The sad thing... read more >
Kat, 29-Apr-10 8:40 am
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