congratulations/ stand up/ time is now

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Congratulations Mr. Martin Roland; Senator Raoul Kwane, Bernard Mark and others like them. My name is CHARLOT CHARLEMAGNE (Gros-Morne, Artibonite Haiti 3-408-6959
New Jersey (973) 239-5649.

The Time is Now.

Corruption is a barrier against our development among those of us who lead. Those leaders who desire is the amassing of personal fortune at the expense of the growth and development of the masses of production can never be a true representative.

Therefore, false and hypocritical representatives, ideology and the corrupt leaders of must be reeducated.

The time is now. We must be resurrected and made the fate of anyone who will follow or be deceived by the arch-deceivers.

The time is now, if we take a close look at the talent and knowledge that is among us, Haitians, we would realize that we have all that is necessary to do something for ourselves.

The time is now for us to get out of a slave mode and get into the mode of a free man. It is time to come to birth in a new mentality and to put to death this old slave mentality.

The time is now to come together as confrere.

We are confreres, Haitians, we are confreres and we need to come together.

The time is now; a new relationship would have to be made, for we would no longer be slaves.

The time is now, an opportunity for Haitians to move forward and to renew our commitment:Togetherness.

The time is now. The whole world is looking ta us

The time is now for great decision.

This is not an ordinary time of recall, reminder of thanks that evoke the creation of the Haitian state.

The time is now for purification, reconciliation, liberty, recognition, love, restoration, change and a new social order.

The time is now for those who are responsible for the national regression to recognize their faults.

You must admit the insufficiency.

Admit the weakness and the wrongdoings.Repent, look for forgiveness.

We must develop a solid culture based on the ways and customs.

We must create, develop, ameliorate our institutions and refit our enterprises so they adapt themselves to our needs.

We must finally create between us that atmosphere of conviviality, which will allow us to enjoy large attributes of independence that is liberty, justice, and equality.

We must consider Haiti as a great Konfraternit

Charlot Charlemagne, February 8 2009, 6:29 AM

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