I believe it being necessary judging by the increasing amount...

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Reply to Msg 13462

I believe it being necessary judging by the increasing amount of violence and delinquencies in today's societies.

Nonetheless I would venture to propose a serious study of the phenomenon by experts to determine the reasons and address the problem at the source in order to find elements of solutions at the roots and thus reducing it.

I truly believe the reason to be economical.

So by reducing poverty we may very well take a good bite at it.

Ernest Bellande, September 16 2014, 11:38 AM

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Topic: New Prison in Northern Haiti to be built by a USA Construction Company

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I believe it being necessary judging by the increasing amount of violence and delinquencies in today's societies. Nonetheless I would venture to... read more >
Ernest Bellande, 16-Sep-14 11:38 am
First of all, why the construction was not awarded to a Haitian Firm? Think about it. When you think it's a gift to Haiti, it's actually kicks back... read more >
Edrys Erisnor, 16-Sep-14 12:22 pm
@Edrys Erisnor Award the money to a Haitian firm? If you do that nothing will get build and someone will pocket the money. Plus, if you are getting... read more >
Ricart, 16-Sep-14 2:02 pm
People lives will be changed thanks to a massive investment... one hot meal daily! they will need protection! read more >
Andris Paul, 16-Sep-14 5:57 pm
Is this company going to hire Haitians or are they just coming to jail the Haitians? read more >
Rose, 19-Oct-15 10:17 pm
Calling all HAITIANS who feels outraged of $5.6 million dollars that will funneled through Haiti and in the end leaves the Haitian people with... read more >
Rose, 19-Oct-15 10:38 pm
bad move...Haiti don't need a jail read more >
Tigeorges, 19-Oct-15 11:00 pm
a country with no running water no roads no electricity now a jail to kill the soul of my brothers.shame on the person that made this poor decision read more >
Tigeorges, 19-Oct-15 11:06 pm


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