Haiti - Vodou creates division among Haitians

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Reply to Msg 12920

To finish my point, so many people all over the world hate us because of this stupid religion (voodoo).

voodoo creates division among Haitians.

the country took independence more than 200 years.

what do we achieve with voodoo?

just poverty, Haitians must think positively and do things to change their life rationally.

if, great ideas can change the country, lets come with sensible thoughts to move forward.

Wilner, July 15 2014, 8:45 PM

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Topic: Vodou is BIG social problem for Haiti, Cardinal Chibly Langlois Says

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That's a shame Haitian talking bad about their own religion. To be a true nation we need to have our own religion so Haitian can share the same... read more >
Jean Jocelet Theagene, 14-Jul-14 3:21 pm
Se pa toute moune ki adore manman Marie, moin come Catholic mwen honoree manman Marie se manman Sauveur yan li ye. Yap adorez Jesus yo pa vle we... read more >
Marie Marc, 14-Jul-14 4:01 pm
I think the Cardinal is really confuse. The Creator allowed everything to exist, for a specific purpose and reason. read more >
Michael Perez, 14-Jul-14 9:16 pm
The "Lwas" are rebel angels who turned against GOD during the fall, and they should inform people who want to join. They decided to follow Lucifer... read more >
Josy, 15-Jul-14 1:01 am
Voodoo is the biggest social problem in Haiti. This crap has no place in modern society. If I were the President of Haiti, I would destroy it... read more >
Jb, 15-Jul-14 11:20 am
Mwen te okipe mwen pat ko gen tan bay opinion'm sou afe VOODO kap deroule nan tout Haiti a. An nou kontinye deba sa a sou rezo a. Sa gen pou-l fini... read more >
Patrick Princivil, 15-Jul-14 3:26 pm
To finish my point, so many people all over the world hate us because of this stupid religion (voodoo). voodoo creates division among Haitians. the... read more >
Wilner, 15-Jul-14 8:45 pm
Katolic pa adore manman Marie. Yo onore Li, yo respecte Li pa se ke Li se manman yon fre nou, yon bon zanmi nou. Amen read more >
Bwa San Fey, 16-Jul-14 5:47 pm
Il nous serait impossible d'ignorer que le vaudou ne soit une reference historicoculturelle chez nous, en tant que Nation de 1804. Cependant, dire... read more >
Versaint, 17-Jul-14 1:19 pm
I do agree totally with the Cardinal, and I realize that the well-known names are late. They should mention and work on this lasting aspect so long... read more >
Versaint, 17-Jul-14 1:22 pm
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