Honoring Ancestors

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Today my soul cries out for the land of my ancestors.

In my day and time we are all self-made exiles, expatriates from our tribe.

Who will cry for a tribe whose members revel in the cycle of self-destructive cultural genocide?

We flee from paradise to a land of plenty, progress and perseverance.

We bring the past with us in our life rafts, airplanes, eyes and hearts.

We bring our traditions, our guilt, our caste system, our pride, and our prejudice.

Today my soul cries for our mother land that lays raped and harrowed in a tumultuous sea of emotion, her gold stripped, her diamonds stolen, her trees shorn, her mountains charred, her heart broken...

Factories for drugs...


She is used for the mass production of synthetic "healing"...

A weary worn land full of disenchanted and disenfranchised people, to which the world turns a blind eye, is now the center for the creation of reality numbing chemicals...

Snake oil replaces water, pills replace kisses...

To cure our dis-ease we look to the crockery of science, alchemy of illusion.

We delude ourselves and diminish our spirit by giving our power away to an external symbol.

Today I fall to my knees in sorrow, I lament all the years of shame of my heritage, I ask forgiveness for the arrogance of our ways. I pray for the suffering to stop...

I pray for my people to wake up!

In your waking world awaken to the existence of you in everything you smell, hear, touch, taste, and feel. Every tree, every stone, every river, every animal, pulses with the same force of Spirit.

We all live, breathe and dance as one on earth in God's creation...

We are all an expression of God's love, and we must love each other and ourselves in order to restore our mother's health...

in order to return to Paradise...

Feel the beating of your heart in your chest, heed it's call...

The rhythm of the tribe beats deep within you, within me, and he and she...

Recognize that no matter what drum beat you dance to, there is only one drummer.

Prison bars fly open, dungeonous mind enlighten, heart stir your courage and find your love, find your love, find your love. Remember you are beings of light, breathe peace, exhale freedom, and spread this joy to every end of the earth!

Pascal A Dupuy

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