As Haiti rice production increases so does rice import, find out why

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Haiti's rice production in MY 2013-14 (July - June) is expected to recover from low levels seen in 2012-13 due to favorable weather this year and government support.

However, rice imports are expected to remain strong due to increasing rice consumption in the country, according to the USDA Post in Santo Domingo.

The Post expects rice production in MY 2013-14 to rebound to around 78,000 tons, up about 26% from around 62,000 tons produced in MY 2012-13. Rice production in MY 2012-13 had declined from around 78,000 tons produced in the previous year due to adverse weather conditions in the second half of 2012.

However, Haiti remains heavily dependent on rice imports due to increasing consumption.

The Post estimates rice imports by Haiti in MY 2013-14 to remain at around 415,000 tons, while consumption of rice is estimated at around 490,000 tons in MY 2013-14, up slightly from around 480,000 tons in the previous year. The Post says, "Despite efforts to improve local production, growth in demand has accelerated, outpacing recent production gains."

Most of the rice imports by Haiti are from the U.S., which had over 97% of market share in 2012, the Post says.
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Haiti Food News, November 14 2013, 11:32 AM

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