Farming in Haiti

Latest news & top stories about Farming in Haiti, The Haitian Internet Newsletter. Read the following articles about Farming in Haiti


Definition: Le paysan Haitien - Y a-t-il de vrais agriculteurs en Haiti?

Haiti: Peyi sa pa Ofri anyen, CHILI tèt Dwat Pour bien comprendre le problème agricole en Haiti, il faut savoir la véritable différence entre un agriculteur Haitien et un paysan Haitien. more »

Haiti - ALL These Tomatoes for 75 Gourdes, about $1.25 US, Great Deal OR La Vie Cher?

In March 2016, we bought all these fresh tomatoes in Haiti for 75 gourdes A Haitian farmer walks by my house in Hinche Haiti with a big "panier" of organic tomatoes and sells me a one-gallon bucket full of tomatoes for 75 gourdes... That's about $1.25 US for more than 60 medium tomatoes... Is that a great deal OR "La Vie Cher"? more »

Haiti PIG Population at Risk of Deadly Epidemic - Haiti pig farmers are in deep trouble...

Haiti - Yon ti Cochon ki mare nan kod - kanè bank malere Bad news for Haitian Farmers... There is another epidemic waiting in line to attack Haiti... This time it is the PORK population, more than one million, whose life is in danger... Haiti Department of Agriculture has just issued an alert about Porcine Epidemic diarrhea (PED) a deadly pig disease may cause havoc in the pig population... more »

Does the average Haitian farmer know how much Nitrogen Corn Needs to Grow?

About Agriculture in Haiti --- I was standing in my little backyard farm in Haiti this morning wondering what makes corn grow... A quick search on the Internet and I found out that corn (Maize) needs nitrogen to grow... I wonder if the average Haitian farmer knows that... I also made another discovery... more »

New Agriculture Project in Northern Haiti - Feed The Future North (FTFN)

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has teamed up with the Government of Haiti Ministry of Agriculture in a new Feed the Future North (FTFN) project. more »