Animals in Haiti

Latest news & top stories about Animals in Haiti, The Haitian Internet Newsletter. Read the following articles about Animals in Haiti


Haiti PIG Population at Risk of Deadly Epidemic - Haiti pig farmers are in deep trouble...

Haiti - Yon ti Cochon ki mare nan kod - kanè bank malere Bad news for Haitian Farmers... There is another epidemic waiting in line to attack Haiti... This time it is the PORK population, more than one million, whose life is in danger... Haiti Department of Agriculture has just issued an alert about Porcine Epidemic diarrhea (PED) a deadly pig disease may cause havoc in the pig population... more »

Animal Rights In Haiti? Is There Such A Thing?

Horse in Haiti with Broken Leg Look at this picture... Hinche, Haiti - A horse with a broken leg abandoned... Left on the side of the road, in pain, with a piece of wood tied to its broken leg, bleeding, with very little food to eat. more »