Haiti Politics - The same people who create the problems are the ones offering solutions

In Haiti, a politician can screw up and enrich himself all he wants to. To be a saint again, all he has to do is leave politics for a few months and complain about what the current guy is doing wrong.

Haiti Presidential Palace In Ruins
Haiti Presidential Palace In Ruins

Bouyon Rechofe, these politicians... this is what everyone in the country is noticing quite clearly including many journalists in Haiti.

The same people who created the problems are the ones offering solutions. The political sphere is loaded with the same old players who keeps going in and out. New party name, new speech, same old s***.

Senators who failed to make or enacte laws, Deputes who did nothing to fix the country and make it better with laws, policies and control of the actions of the government, they are the ones now trying to tell you what is wrong with the country.

Haiti needs an entirely new political class but where is it going to come from? The shady politicians on the ground and the corrupt oligarchy did a very good job chasing away the most capable among us.

Over the years they've done a very good job keeping the diaspora away from Haitian politics.

les mêmes causes produisent les mêmes effets.

Like causes produce like effects.

In that case... les mêmes dirijan produisent les mêmes peyi de merd!

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Phillip A Manning says...

And, the only thing I want to say right now is speak English.

I don't understand none of that foreign shit...french...it just doesn't register...

But, y'all need the French right.

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Les Grands Debats says...

En Haïti, un homme politique peut foutre en l'air et s'enrichir autant qu'il veut. Pour redevenir un saint, tout ce qu'il a à faire est de quitter la politique pendant quelques mois et de se plaindre de ce que l'homme actuel fait mal.

Bouyon Rechofe, ces politiciens...

c'est ce que tout le monde dans le pays constate assez clairement y compris de nombreux journalistes en

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