A Haitian Woman, Joane Florvil, died in CHILE after receiving a severe blow to the head during a wrongful arrest

News is pouring in from CHILE following the death of a Haitian woman, Joane Florvil, Saturday. Her death, surrounded by conspiracies, lies and cover-ups, is raising eyebrows in Chile...

PHOTO: Joane Florvil - Haitian woman Dead in CHILE
PHOTO: Joane Florvil - Haitian woman Dead in CHILE

According to reports, the 28-year-old woman, Joane Florvil was arrested on August 30th in an incident where she was wrongly accused, according to members of the Haitian community, of having abandoned her two-month old child.

During her arrest, Joan Florvil was beaten violently on the head. The police then placed a special forces helmet on his head, which aggravated her injuries.

These injuries led to her death a month later.

Read the full article related to the arrest and death of Joane Florfil in the article from the justice section of Elciudadano.cl:

"The press executed this woman": Harsh criticism of media coverage of the case of Joane Florvil (In Spanish, translate with Google translate if you wish to read it. very detailed article)

Other article related to Joane Florvil

Young Haitian woman interned in Posta Central dies who had been accused of abandoning a baby (in Spanish)

Everyone is talking about it on Twitter @ #joaneflorvil

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Eddy says...

C´est bizarre, très bizarre!!!! Le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères d´Haiti a du pain sur la planche.

Une expertise doit être éffectuée aux fins de determiner la cause du décès. C´est la première mesure que contemple le droit.

Une fois que l´éclairage soit établi autour de la circonstance de la mort en détention de la dame, la Justice aura son

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Subject: A Haitian Woman, Joane Florvil, died in CHILE after receiving a severe blow to the head during a wrongful arrest edit

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